Staying Motivated: Protest or Pandemic

If you’re overwhelmed by the global pandemic, a sudden shift to online learning and a nationwide lockdown, you’re not alone.

Hong Kong’s had a tough year. Protests and then a pandemic.

Some of our university students haven’t attended classes since November. It was a lot to digest initially, but my friends and I continue to make it through.

And I’d like to share some tips that have helped me get through this journey .

Embracing learning outside the syllabus

When I was in school, I always loved to learn things outside the syllabus. I was passionate about communication and leadership – the two subjects that were missing from our syllabus.

My teachers often told me learning things outside the syllabus was a waste of time. But this online learning experiment has given me so many opportunities to learn outside the syllabus, from Youtube tutorials on how to edit using a green screen all the way to a Masterclass from the CEO of Disney about his best tips for future business leaders.

And I cherish every second I get – to step out of the syllabus.

Bob Iger’s Masterclass is the most insightful and interesting course I have ever taken!

Travel the world…with virtual backgrounds

Missing the thought of travelling? Feeling homesick?

My greenscreen has been one of my best friends for the past few months. It takes me to my university, to Paris, London, New York city, and even outer space – while still being at the comfort of my living room – that too, within one lecture.

Join your green screen on a world tour. You’ll be in Paris before you know it – Bonjour!

Fool your smartwatch

Let’s admit it. Your smartwatch isn’t that smart.

I set myself a daily target of 10,000 steps when I first bought the watch, but a comedian revealed a naughty secret few days later.

“Joy, add in some bhangra moves. You can always fool your smartwatch.”

It’s hard to go out for a long walk when your governments are recommending social distancing amidst lockdown mode.

But thanks to beautiful website named Youtube that never runs out of amazing dance workouts, I’m challenging myself to do 10,000 dance moves instead of 10,000 steps. Whether its Bollywood, American pop and recently even K-pop – I believe you can fool your smartwatch and challenge yourself to complete a 10,000 dance move target!

If you’re a fan of dance workouts, check out the Fitness Marshall for some great cardio and strength workouts!

Masterchef: Season House Arrest

We’re all stocked up on toiletries and food supplies these days. But why resort to processed food when you have the time to make your own delicacies at home?

I’m a vegetarian, and vegetarian sushi isn’t easy to find in a city that loves seafood – also known as “the not-so-fragrant” harbor – Hong Kong.

These days I’ve been learning to make vegetarian sushi at home and it’s amazing to know that I can make a dish that’s fresh, healthy and an achievement for my Twitter feed.

Stay in touch with your buddies

Social distancing could mean not seeing friends for days, weeks, months possibly. But the advancement of technology lets us hold a video call with friends and family. Social media keeps us connected to the society that is also affected by this global epidemic. And the world wide web is this genius that exchanges information so simultaneously that borders don’t make much of a difference.

Taking advantage of technology we have these days, whether its sharing your experience or a funny tip about coping with the situation – there’s always a chance you could make someone feel just a little bit better!

A great example of this is Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show Home Edition. He doesn’t focus on bringing us to a fancy house, but instead introduces us to his adorable kids, and makes them a part of his segments on the show! Not to mention, raising awareness for a charity with each episode he does!

Check out Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show Home Edition!

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