Top Ten Reasons Why I love Drop Dead Diva

I know we’re in the Game of Thrones phase of television these days. But after my exams, I began my Netflix journey, and got hooked on the Drop Dead Diva series.

Currently in the fourth season, I wouldn’t call it perfect, but it entertains and educates in many ways, which is why I present: Top Ten reasons why I love Drop Dead Diva
(and before I get any complaints: #spoileralert!)

1. A Mix of Brain and Beauty

In the first episode, Jane started off a dull lawyer. Don’t get me wrong – she rocked at her job. Still, living a life revolving around work, Jane had little regard to relationships and appearance. She did things the simple way. Knowing Brooke Elliott starred as main character, I didn’t imagine myself hooked to a series about the life of a boring lawyer.

But the tables turn when Deb enters Jane’s body. The mix of Deb’s personality drew me in from the first episode. The producers manage to keep Deb’s bubbly personality with Jane’s brains, adding a little spice into your ordinary court hearing and drawing youngsters like myself from the first episode.

2. Teri – the enthusiastic assistant

Being of great aid to the successful lawyer, Teri proves an excellent assistant to Jane. Holding investigative qualifications, Teri is known for cracking codes to win cases before the lawyers figure it out.

Her passion for dance pops up at least once a season, giving the main characters an excuse to shake a leg. Not to mention, her invaluable advice on relationships sought by colleagues offers unique twists to the plot centering workplace relationships.

3. You’ve got a friend in me

Grayson and Deb were dating before the car accident, about to make a marriage commitment before the tragedy. At a similar time Deb’s soul enters Jane’s body, Grayson is hired at the law firm. When Jane gets back to work, she has to see Grayson daily. Sometimes working on cases together, chatting over drinks, Jane has to put away her feelings for Grayson as Deb, while acting as a friend to Grayson as he moves on from the tragedy.

Jane and Grayson’s social dynamics connect well throughout episodes – despite Jane not revealing her true personality as Deb. Over the first few seasons, it becomes interesting to see how they connect despite not being in a romantic relationship. Life and Death don’t keep true soulmates apart, right?

4. Fred’s Angelic Charm

Jane’s guardian angel Fred caught my eye when Deb died in the first episode. He comes to Earth as Jane’s “babysitter”, but falls in love with her best friend Stacey.

The couple’s love story is romantic yet hilarious as Fred comes to terms with the definition of romance outside of heaven, and understands social norms associated with being in a relationship. Not to mention, coming from a different background from your typical boyfriend, Fred’s attempts to impress Stacey steal the hearts of many throughout the first few seasons.

5. Fighting for the underdogs

When picking sides, most lawyers generally fight for councils innocent according to first-grade evidence. Jane, on the other hand, puts full faith in her clients from the start and is able to free clients you’d never imagine to be innocent.

The discovery process in each episode is intriguing, whilst Jane shows what it truly means to show passion towards your job.

6. The difference between a suit and a lawsuit

When I joined my first “World Style” Debating competition three years back, I recall all participants in fancy suits and ties. At local debating competitions, we”d always be in school uniform, and no one informed me of this sudden change in clothing. Although, I was lucky to have a formal dress hidden up my sleeve that day. But ever since, I’ve been on the lookout for formal fashion.

Going from size two to sixteen, Jane’s transformation doesn’t dampen her flair for fashion. The lady enters court in fabulous outfits, hair and makeup perfectly done.
Although the series is supposed to be a pastime to get your mind off work and other aspects of life, it offers a few interesting insights into corporate fashion.

7. The Kaswell Catfight

Kim Kaswell is another esteemed lawyer at the Harisson and Parker firm. Often seen as competition to Jane, both gruel when assigned to second chair each other.

Their confrontational yet hilarious interactions is relatable to a lot of women out there; sometimes we like that pinch of attitude! And although it may not be suitable to show in public, it doesn’t stop you from enjoying it on-screen!

8. Legal tactics

Holding prestige in the art of debating and public speaking, Jane’s impressive public speaking skills and novel tactics tend to explain why she is almost always able to convince the jury that her clients are innocent – whether it means giving your client a confidence-boosting makeover before testifying, dressing up as a gorilla in court, or even copying runway models for that perfect walk across the courtroom to look impressive.

Proving your point in court with a pinch of creativity is entertaining, and often works even in the worst of cases.

9. The Moral of this Story is…

The episodes do have their ups and downs, but producers always try and include a moral, something I highly appreciate; whether its about friendship, equality, or even learning to accept limitations of the natural world and be happy.

10. Drop Dead D Mysteries

I loved detective novels as a kid. Although I never got time for Sherlock amidst my hectic high school schedule, Drop Dead Diva ignites my inner detective when the cases start getting interesting. As the story unfolds, you put yourself into the shoes of Jane and solve the case as an aspiring detective.

And I don’t know about others, but I love it when my guesses turn out right!

Jane’s excellent public speaking skills never disappoint judges in court
Teri helps Jane as an excellent assistant – even when Jane wants to prove she’s a better lawyer than Kim
Coming from completely different backgrounds, Fred and Stacy experience interesting arguments in the show


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